For Immediate Release:
July 20, 2020
Jennah Rivera
ST. PAUL [07/20/20]–U.S. Senator Tina Smith has spent the past two weeks traveling across Minnesota and attending virtual meetings with small business owners, health care professionals, and local leaders to talk about the issues that matter to them, including the impact of the coronavirus, and the need to expand access to affordable housing and high-quality health care.
Here’s a look at some of Sen. Smith’s recent stops over the past two weeks:
CD 1: Visited Small Businesses in Montgomery, Waseca and Mankato
On July 14, Sen. Smith—along with local community leaders—visited small businesses in Montgomery, Waseca and Mankato to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on local businesses.
Faribault Daily News: Senator checks in on small businesses during COVID-19 crisis
KEYC: Sen. Tina Smith visits local businesses and leaders to discuss pandemic impacts
Mankato Free Press: Rural businesses tell senator they’re hurting from virus
CD 2: Continued Discussing Impact of COVID-19 in Downtown Shakopee
Sen. Smith took part in a walkthrough of downtown Shakopee businesses on July 13.
Southwest News Media: Sen. Tina Smith visits Shakopee to hear from local business owners
CD 3: Toured Eden Prairie Halal Market
Sen. Smith toured the Eden Prairie Halal Market on July 13, and she sat down with Somali business owners to talk about how they are coping with the pandemic and the disproportionate impact the virus is having on communities of color.
CD 4: Visited the Willow Reserve Habitat for Humanity Development,
and Hmong Village and Sun Ray Shopping Centers in St. Paul
Expanding access to affordable housing is a top priority for Sen. Smith, and she visited the Willow Reserve Habitat for Humanity development in St. Paul on July 17 for a discussion on homeownership and housing. A week earlier on July 10, Sen. Smith met with a group of St. Paul business owners at the Hmong Village and Sun Ray Shopping Centers.
Fox 9: Sen. Tina Smith Visits Habitat for Humanity development in St. Paul
Fox 9: Sen. Smith meets with St. Paul business owners impacted by COVID-19, civil unrest
Attended an Education Minnesota Virtual Townhall
Sen. Smith sat down to attend a virtual townhall with Education Minnesota on July 15 to talk with members about the need to pass the HEROES Act and get much-needed funding to schools. Sen. Smith believes we must help stabilize state budgets during the pandemic and prevent massive budget cuts to education.
CD 6: Visited the Central Minnesota Islamic
Center in St. Cloud to Talk Affordable Housing
On July 11, Sen Smith met with members of the St. Cloud community at the Central Minnesota Islamic Center to discuss issues facing the community, including addressing the achievement gap and the need for more affordable housing.
St. Cloud Times: Sen. Tina Smith talks affordable housing Islamic Center of St. Cloud
CD 7: Attended Virtual Community Event with CD 7 Leaders
Sen. Smith joined CD 7 leaders to have a discussion about the upcoming election, vote-by-mail and issues that are important to voters throughout the district like the need for rural broadband, health care and agriculture.
Marshall Independent: Smith seeks support for rural health during virus pandemic
CD 8: Met with Local Officials, Small Businesses, Tribal
Leaders and Medical Professionals in Baxter and Duluth
On July 18, Sen. Smith met with Crow Wing County community members to hear from them about how COVID-19 has impacted health care, education and businesses in the region. Sen. Smith later joined Duluth Mayor Emily Larson to discuss the work that Ecolibrium3 has done to address COVID-19 in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Duluth and the Pay it Forward PPE project.
Sen. Smith also toured the Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team facility at the University of Minnesota-Duluth Medical School’s downtown office, and she also visited with the owners of Vikre Distillery.
WDIO: Sen. Tina Smith visits Duluth businesses to discuss COVID-19 response
Fox 21: Sen. Tina Smith Visits Duluth Businesses, Discusses COVID-19 Response